Save time and nerves thanks to your own office
If you run a business, ask yourself if you intend to pursue your business in the long term, or if you plan to move to another segment, retire or change location of your business completely in the near future.
If you plan to continue your long-term activities, then decision is easy. You can pay rent for the next few deceades and risk that the property owner will decide to to use the space in two years and you will have to look for another place, which will cost you not only decent money but also lot of valuable time. By this time, we do not mean time needed to relocation, but also time needed for searching for suitable, sufficiently representative and accessible location, after which it will be necessary to change your business cards, websites and informing your regular clients, offices, banks, etc.
The company Amigal Group SK deals with sale and rental of offices. It currently offers separate offices in building located on Michalská street no. 18 with an area of up to 2000 m², further in the building on Gunduličova street no. 8, which offers sales and rentals (second option is for those, who do not plan to stay in one place for 15 years). An interesting feature that Amigal group offers to its clients are so-called “Spaceplans”, which are completely free. It is basically a proffesional layout of the space based on specific needs of the new owner or tenant.
Nowadays, not everyone has money to buy an office. Therefore, we offer suitably set loan. These are relatively affordable today (interested parties can choose from offers of several banks) and individual installments are more or less equal to what you would pay for a rented office, while your destiny would lie in another owners hands. And best of all, unlike the end of your rental payments, you will see the end of your repayment once – after about 15 years.
How does financing work?
And how to finance purchase of an office? Ideal is to have sufficient cash available. However, not many people is that lucky. So if you do not have enough money, you can apply for a loan and Amigal Group SK will help you with this application. The maturity of such loans is usually set at 5 to 20 years. Of course, the longer the repayment period you choose, the lower the repayments will be.
Customer, applying for a loan, should have realistic idea of his options and of his expectations from business areas his buying. The customer’s available funds should reach 10 to 50 % of the purchase price at the beginning of the financing. The purchase of an office can also be financed by direct payments to the company that sells the office. The way it usually works is, that client pays 25 % of the target amount when signing the contract and the remaining 75 % will be paid in isntallments over the next two years.
In the coming years, you can enjoy the benefits of owning this property. The only cost associated with your own office will be spent on energy and any repairs. If we look at the whole transaction again from the investor’s perspective, you will live to see a nice passive income after 15 years.
Investment also makes sense for non-entrepreneurs
Not all of us have the entrepreneurial spirit of Tomas Baťa, which is why we want to work with our money so they can be valued in the long run, preferably while minimizing the risk. Saving accounts and term deposits are close to zero in terms of returns. Investments in stock or funds are often complex and therefore difficult to graps for most people.
In this contect, it may be useful to know that individual can also buy an office (even on loan). This office will then be rent to interested person and investor receives a guaranteed return of about 6-8 % per year, depending on wheter he acquires the tenant himself or wheter it is provided for him by Amigal Group SK. Interesting fact is, that similar investment in apartment for the purpose of renting it, the return is usually about half (3-4 %), in addition, the investor takes the risk arising from problematic tenants. They are much more protected by law and it can take years of litigation to get them out of your apartment. The situation in theoffice is better in this respect, because the tenant rights of companies are more or less protected by law.